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Sequentia Legenda is 17 years old

Sequentia Legenda is 17 years old

Sequentia Legenda is 17 years old, with its synthesizers and analogic sequencers (Korg SQ10, Korg MS20, Korg PS3200, Echo Roland RE201)

Sequentia Legenda is 17

Sequentia Legenda is 17

Sequentia Legenda is 17, with its synthesizers and analogic sequencers (Korg SQ10, Korg MS20, Korg PS3200, Echo Roland RE201)

Sequentia Legenda is 17

Sequentia Legenda is 17

Sequentia Legenda is 17, with its synthesizers and analogic sequencers (Korg SQ10, Korg MS20, Korg PS3200, Echo Roland RE201)

Sequentia Legenda is 17

Sequentia Legenda is 17

Sequentia Legenda is 17, with its synthesizers and analogic sequencers (Korg SQ10, Korg MS20, Korg PS3200, Echo Roland RE201)

Portrait of Sequentia Legenda

Portrait of Sequentia Legenda

October 2014

Portrait of Sequentia Legenda

Portrait of Sequentia Legenda

October 2014

Sequentia Legenda Shooting

Sequentia Legenda Shooting

October 2014

Sequentia Legenda Shooting

Sequentia Legenda Shooting

October 2014

My old synthesizers - Korg DSS1

My old synthesizers - Korg DSS1

My old synthesizers - Korg DSS1

My old synthesizers - Korg DSS1

My old synthesizers - Korg DSS1

My old synthesizers - Korg DSS1

My old synthesizers - Roland JD800

My old synthesizers - Roland JD800

My old synthesizers - Roland JD800

My old synthesizers - Roland JD800

My old synthesizers - Roland JD800

My old synthesizers - Roland JD800

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